Just Be ...

This blog is a snapshot of my process toward becoming more present and more aware of who I am and everything that surrounds me.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Challenge or Opportunity?

Throughout life, we will be pushed to new limits, asked to go further and challenged to grow. Whether we want it or not, the universe will give us moments that force us to go a new distance and transform from who we once were into someone new. If we allow these opportunities in our life and invite the possibilities, these moments will not be as difficult or maybe even not difficult at all. Until we understand that there are parts of ourselves we must let go of to make room for the new, the universe will continue to give us situations that point to this until we get the picture. These learning opportunities allow us to develop patience, let go of the past, surrender to the moment, forgive, etc. I could fill an empty room with all that these often despised moments have to offer. I used to perceive a challenge as a problem, a waste of my precious time that I could spend on being happy, and a stress trap. Now, I look at these little gifts very differently.

A few months ago, I let my finances get the best of me. I was worried how I was going to make my financial situation work. Looking back on this now, I laugh and ask myself: How could I let a symbol ($) contaminate my inner space and determine my state of peace and happiness? Money is a wonderful thing: it pays our bills, sends our children to college and offers us the chance to travel the world. But, money also comes and it goes. I had to learn that I cannot rely on financial “security” to feel secure, because money is not something you can count on for that. Just when you save $5,000.00, you get sick, you get in a car accident, or you need a new furnace. Through this opportunity, I learned that no matter what happens, the universe will provide for me. I know I will not go hungry. I found a faith in myself and a faith in the universe. This month, I started donating more of my money to causes I believe in because I know everything will all work out in the end. I also found a new mentor: The Peace Pilgrim. In the 1950’s, this woman gave up all of her possessions and began to march across the country for peace. Her faith was uncompromising. She KNEW the universe would conspire in such a way that she would survive. Churches fed her, people offered her their homes so she could rest her head, and she did not get sick. In the end, it all worked out. Today, she continues to inspire people all over the world: http://www.peacepilgrim.com/pphome.htm.

As my husband spends his last day clearing the US ARMY, I cannot help but recall all of the challenges we have shared as a couple. We have been a part for four years, spent thousands of dollars on travel expenses and phone cards, and went to bed each night while he was deployed wrestling with the fear that he could be killed. However, because of this, we have developed an unshakeable bond, and an unmatched sense of trust in one another. We refuse to take one another for granted, and I feel that because of our past experiences it will be a lot harder to do so. While he was gone, I was granted time to meet myself, traveling the world or taking long bicycle rides alone. I found a peace within myself and was able to develop positive habits that have improved my quality of life. This challenge became an ideal occasion to strengthen our relationship and also learn new things about who we are as individuals.

It is in the most challenging of moments when we grow the most. I encourage you to not fight life when it gives you something; instead, take things as they come, day by day, and watch yourself transform. Find the lesson in every moment and the opportunity inside every challenge…you may become more than you ever thought you could be, surpassing your wildest dreams.

In love and peace,

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